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Movie Licensing

Licensing is a very important part of planning your next outdoor movie event. It is very important to stay compliant with all copyright laws. Whether you are showing a movie outside your house, at a local park or planning a movie night for your business, you'll need the proper licensing.


Criterion Pictures and Swank Motion pictures are the two largest film licensing agencies in the industry and represent all the major film studios. Please click on the links below to be directed to their site to learn more about what studios each represents and what films are available to be licensed. While Backyard Cinemas wants to help streamline and make the experience as effortless as possible, you must contact these companies directly to secure the license to show your desired films.

  • Do I need a movie license?
    If your event is anywhere outside of your home, you will need a license. Motion picture companies are serious about copyright laws. To best avoid the unwanted press and hefty fines, reach out to Swank Motion Pictures or Criterion Pictures to get your license. Links for each organization are above.
  • How much is a license and who do I pay?
    Licensing costs vary based on the film. The best way to get an accurate price on the license is to contact one of the licensing companies directly. We do not collect any licensing fees. Your fees are to be paid directly to one of the licensing companies.
  • Can I charge admission?
    Possible but only the licensing company could confirm. If you decide to charge an admission, this could change the cost of your license and the licensing company may ask for a percentage of your ticket sales. For more information, please contact the licensing company directly.
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